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My poems

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I dream of home
Not made of brick
Where pride is gone
Where brothers stick.

Where love and peace
And hope and grace
Are in the heart
Are on the face

I have to ask
No more I see
Clear way to home
Closer to Thee

Is it my fault
To not be there?
Am I bad salt?
Do I still err?

Is it Thy will
That I come now?
Show me the way.
Please, tell me how.

Sorry for the stress

Sorry for the stress
I now see it, yes
What an awful code
Why I went this road?

Did not think of crash
It is one big mess
I have one more try
Hope I make it right


Imagine the times in heaven
When there's no hungry wolfish ravens
Which may sometimes be in us
Thus may friendships go to dust.

Imagine there's only laughter
Imagine that all are after
Loving others, spreading joy
Non-interested in the ploys.

Imagine all in one accord
No one having his own record
All wrong-doings are forgiven
All people are warm-heart-driven.

Imagine this one day comes true
Isn't that a wonderful view?
Isn't that what we are after?
Love, compassion, friendship, laughter?


I may be for some time disconnected
but I know you will come again
You are The Lord and You promise
that You are with us
stay with us and help us
You keep Your promises
You have kept this one
and I know about You again.
Be Thy glory.